Cover shots

Pohjolan Perhokalastaja 4/2019
Juho-Matti Paavola defying the elements on our trip to Gotland.

Pohjolan Perhokalastaja 1/2019
One of the float tube shots from the featured article on Kilpisjärvi was assigned as the cover.

Pohjolan Perhokalastaja 4/2018
Nice nightime brownie caught by the talented filmmaker Risto Ruokola.

OPM fly tying catalogue 2017
I was assigned to shoot a basic high-key portrait of a pike fly by Anton Pousar for the cover.
OPM is one of the largest distributors of fly tying materials in Europe.

Pohjolan Perhokalastaja 4/2017
Assigned to shoot a cover with classic salmon flies.

Chasing Silver 2/2014
I was assigned by the (then) new editor Miki Äikäs to shoot the first cover in his control. Miki had a clear vision of a black background with one of his GP variants.

Classic Salmon Fly Patterns – Michael D. Radencich
The book features 16 flies tied by me and photographed by Michael Radencich

Koko perheen kalastuskirja – Ilkka Jukarainen
Fishing for the family features some basic fly patterns from me for beginners.

Viehe – Ilkka Jukarainen
This massive book on fishing history was nominated for the biggest literature award in Finland when it was published. It features profiles and flies from many old and contemporary Finnish fly tyers including me.
Magazine articles, photography, and flies
Pohjolan Perhokalastaja magazine

4/2020 Game Changer pikkuvavoille
Feature on small feather game changer pattern using micro sized shanks from Flymen Fishing Co.

4/2020 Tekniikoita foamin käyttöön
Joint article with Mikko Halonen on two different methods for tying with foam. My part was a new floating pupa pattern.

3/2020 Fiskarsinjoki
Photo assignment for an article by Jukka Naaranlahti fishing Fiskars river in Finland..

2/2020 Kelluvat nymfit
Fishing and tying small floating nymphs with my flies and photography.

2/2020 Jäniksenkarvakorrit
Early stoneflies using snowshoe wings with my photography and fly.

2/2020 Grannomit – Alkukauden pienet vesiperhoset
Editorial on Grannom family of caddisflies with my photography and some flies.

1/2020 Jänis haastaa CDC:n
My article on tying small dry flies with snowshoe rabbits feet.

5/2019 Seikkailu Siperiassa
Article by Juho-Matti Paavola on our trip to Siberia to fish for the notorious Hucho Taimen, the largest growing salmonid in the world. My photography.

5/2019 Hallitse lohi- ja uppoperhojen häkilät
Article on mastering hackles on salmon and wet flies. Deep dive in to hackling techniques.

4/2019 Variantteja peurapäihin
My article featuring different designs and styles of deer hair heads. How and when to use them.

4/2019 Adams – Tunturiperhojen eliittiä
History and tying of one of the most prolific dry flies of all time. My flies and photography.

3/2019 Top 5 perhot pintovalle kalalle
Top five dry flies for a steady riser with my flies and photography.

3/2019 Miksi pintaperho ei kalasta
Editorial about dry fly fishing and what are the most common reasons why people fail at it.

3/2019 Kapokki
Small feature on kapok dubbing with my fly and photography.

2/2019 Mitä silmä ei näe
Article with Jukka Naaranlahti about UV-radiation and it’s importance, or the lack of it, in fly fishing.

1/2019 Nymfeille jalat
Article about different techniques for imitating legs on nymph patterns.

1/2019 Marinaro ja hänen perhonsa
Flies and photos for an article about Vince Marinaro by Jukka Naaranlahti.

1/2019 Syyskuun kalapisto Kilpisjärvelle
Photography assignment for an article about late season fishing opportunities in Kilpisjärvi region.

4/2018 Game Changer – Pelikirja uusiksi meritaimenrannoilla
Adapting Blane Chocklett’s GC to our coastal fishing for sea trout by Juho-Matti Paavola. My photos of flies.

4/2018 Pitsaperho
Flies for sea trout from the left over fly tying materials by Hasse Härkönen

4/2018 BWO – WTF?
The life and importance of Blue Winged Olives featuring my flies and photography, text by editorial staff.

3/2018 Kuidut ja streamerit
Analysing different synthetic fibers for streamer patterns, together with the editorial staff.

2/2018 Loppusesongin sumari
More realistic approach to the early stonefly patterns for the picky fish late in the season, together with Jukka Naaranlahti.

2/2018 Meritaimenen tärkeimmät saaliskalat
My flies and photos on an article by Aki Janatuinen about the most important baitfish in sea trouts menu.

1/2018 Aikuiset vesiperhoset
My photography and flies on an editorial about adult caddisflies.

5/2017 Haastaja Surffilaudalle ja pintanirhalle
Feature on modern surface streamer NiCh-fly and its use in Finnish waters with Jukka Naaranlahti.

5/2017 Parempia perhokuvia
Feature on taking better photos of your flies, together with Jukka Naaranlahti.

4/2017 Väriä peurankarvapäähän
Short tying feature on adding different colors/layers to a deer hair head on streamers together with Jukka Naaranlahti.

3/2017 Jatkoperäpäikkärit päivitykseen
With Jukka Naaranlahti we feature modern extended bodies for mayfly patterns.

3/2017 Pikkukalajäljitelmät ranskiksilla
My photography on an interesting article by Heikki Turunen about fishing streamers with French nymphing techniques.

2/2017 Foamikorrit
Jukka Naaranlahti featuring the use of foam in early season stonefly patterns in Finland.

2/2017 Hiilikuituvavan matka kuluttajalle
My photography on an editorial about how carbon fibre fly rods are made.

1/2017 Streamereitä Amerikan malliin vol. 2
Continuing a feature by Tero Lannes showcasing modern American streamer patterns together with Jukka Naaranlahti.

5/2016 Catskill-perhot
Together with Jukka Naaranlahti we dive in to the world of Catskill dry flies.

3/2016 Jellybug Pupa
My article on a pupa pattern called Jellybug Pupa after the material used in tying it.

1/2016 Nymph Head Evolution
My article about Flymen Fishing Co. Evolution Nymph Heads.

1/2016 Bambuextra
Photography for an article about fishing and collecting bamboo rods and their history by editorial staff of the magazine

5/2015 Flymfit
Photography for an article about tying Flymphs by Jukka Naaranlahti

2015? Pattehaili
Photography for an article by Juhani Mäntykoski

2014? Speyperhot käsissä
Photography for an article about tying Spey flies in hand by Mikko Stenberg

4/2014 Tälli Shrimp
Photography for an article by Mikko Stenberg

3/2014 OrMu
Photography for an article by Mikko Stenberg

2/2014 Green Monkey
Photography for an article by Mikko Stenberg

1/2014 Silver Glödhäck
Photography for an article by Mikko Stenberg
Chasing Silver magazine

3/2015 Materials for Featherwinged Salmon Flies
Material selection and preparation for featherwinged salmon flies.

3/2014 Top of the Classics – Major Traherne
Thorough article about one of my favorite classic figures in fly fishing, Major J.P. Traherne.
Perhokalastus magazine

1/2014 Dunt
My fly from the Finnish national fly tying championship on the cover and other flies featured in an article. Coverphoto by Miki Äikäs

4/2008 Sidontakilpailujen satoa
Review of the fly tying competition scene that year.

?/2010 Eagle-perhot
My first major article on tying Eagle patterns for salmon and their history.
ERÄ magazine

7/2016 Pintaperhokalastajan perusheittokoulu
Photography for an article by Jukka Naaranlahti about basic casts every dry fly angler should learn
OPM Catalogues

OPM 2016 Catalogue
Quill & Yellow wet fly step by step instructions.

OPM 2016 Catalogue
Green Butt Spey step by step instructions.

OPM 2017/18 Catalogue
Blue Charm step by step tying instructions and other photos.
Taito magazine
4/2012 Kasvokkain: Perhonsitoja Timo Kontio
Interview and artiicle on my fly tying by Tiina Aalto, Photos: Sami Perttilä