Pitcroy Fancy (variant). An old photo I found when digging through the collection and thought it would be a good pattern to share. The Pitcroy Fancy is pretty simple yet elegant fly…

Pitcroy Fancy (variant). An old photo I found when digging through the collection and thought it would be a good pattern to share. The Pitcroy Fancy is pretty simple yet elegant fly…
Raven with hackle wings Here’s a slight variation of Brad Burdens steelhead spey pattern developed for the Oregon rivers. Bob Veverkas book on spey flies has been a huge source of inspiration…
Black Gordon Spey I found this pattern from Bob Veverka’s book Spey Flies: How to Tie Them. There’s a plate of Steelhead Speys by Oregon tier Brad Burden and it’s one of…
Black Ranger I tied this as a quick fishing fly with no material prep like forming crests. They will eventually take their place in the water so the prep is just for…
Orange Heron One of the most famous Syd Glasso patterns that he used especially for winter Steelhead in the Pacific Northwest. I use featherwinged streamers quite a lot for Trout so I…