Teno 5
Number five from the Teno-series by Erkki Vaalama is pretty traditional Finnish salmon fly of the era. Only part that is a bit seldom seen is the hackle combo with black and brown hackle, but there are many vintage examples with just the brown hackle also. Tying is pretty straight forward with the wing usually consisting of narrow slips. The head is painted with red varnish, which I’m not a big fan of doing, sometimes with just a band of red in an otherwise black head.
Tip: Gold wire.
Tag: Red floss.
Tail: Golden Pheasant crest and red hackle tip or fibers.
Butt: Black Ostrich herl.
Rib: Oval or flat silver tinsel.
Body: Brown seals fur, some old ones have been tied with chenille also.
Hackle: Black and brown.
Wing: White tipped Turkey with Bronze Mallard on top.
Topping: Golden Pheasant crest.
Head: Red varnish.