Michael Rogan’s The Fiery Brown Another small salmon fly tyed in hand, this time from the book Fishing by Cholmondeley-Pennell that’s part of the Badminton Library -collection. I added a butt to…

Michael Rogan’s The Fiery Brown Another small salmon fly tyed in hand, this time from the book Fishing by Cholmondeley-Pennell that’s part of the Badminton Library -collection. I added a butt to…
Beadhead Stonefly Nymph Been tying some stonefly nymphs for a coming trip abroad and thought I’d share this pattern that is inspired by Kaufmann’s Stone nymph. Materials and some techniques are different…
Perch Streamer proto One effective featherwinged streamer from last summer that needs some tweaks but will gain a place in my fly box once it’s perfected. I’ve never been highly successful with…
GoExpo 2014 Some photos from the fishing fair in Helsinki last weekend. Spent Saturday and Sunday working at the Helsinki Spey Clave stand where we had Markus Männistö tying Deceivers for pike…
The Switcher I tied this fly in hand about a month ago but hadn’t got a chance to photograph it earlier. I think it’s a fine looking salmon fly pattern that’s rarely…
Rocke’s Grub I haven’t seen anyone tie up this pattern even though it’s one of the featured patterns in both Kelson’s The Salmon Fly and in his Land & Water plates. Maybe…
Finnish National fly tying competition Over the years I’ve got a lot of questions what kind of competition the nationals here are. To put it simply it’s a two day fly tying…
Dunt on the cover I was pretty surprised to see my fly on the cover of Finnish fly fishing magazine Perhokalastus. The fly was tied last fall at the Finnish national fly…