Black Dog (Kelson) Lets start the feather winged salmon flies with one of the best known classics, the Black Dog. There’s many variations from different authors but this one follows quite closely…

Black Dog (Kelson) Lets start the feather winged salmon flies with one of the best known classics, the Black Dog. There’s many variations from different authors but this one follows quite closely…
RATs! RAT series is probably one of the best known hair winged salmon flies. They were created by Roy Angus Thomson from whose initials the name comes from. These are my own…
Freestyle Wetfly This fly is done with classic wet fly proportions but the pattern is my own and the wing is quite complex. Hook: #6 Vintage Mustad with the eye cut off…
The Caddis Fly – Halesus Tesselatus This is an important fly for me. It’s my favorite of all the realistics I have ever tied. It was done for the World Tuscany Open…
Stonefly Nymph I will start off by adding some older flies I have tied to the blog to form a base. These will mostly be in chronological order but there might be…