Semirealistic Foam Golden Stonefly dry fly I was fortunate enough to get to fish the Deschutes river this spring when the big salmonflies and golden stones were hatching and tied quite a…

Semirealistic Foam Golden Stonefly dry fly I was fortunate enough to get to fish the Deschutes river this spring when the big salmonflies and golden stones were hatching and tied quite a…
Fly Tying Archive now also on Instagram You can find us @flytyingarchive on Instagram and see our latest posts there on the sidebar to the right. The content will differ a bit…
Damnation screening in Helsinki and a seminar at the parliament about the future of our rivers An exhausting but still very motivational day at the Finnish parliament listening to politicians and scientists…
Deerhair divers for Pike Pike season is fully starting here as the waters keep getting cooler and the big pikes come to the more shallow parts of the water. From time to…
Finnish Fly Fair 2014 I quickly stopped by at the Perhomessut aka Finnish Fly Fair on Saturday. Only had couple hours to spare and it went fast talking with old and new…
Ray Bergman’s wet flies tied by Rane Olsen This is such a great feat completed by a Finnish tyer Rane Olsen that I had to share it with my readers. 234 wet…
Chenille Caddis Pupa This type of crocheted chenille pupa body used to be popular in Finland but has now been overrun by simpler patterns. I have to admit that I too usually…
Olive Intruder Pretty far away from the original intruder but I just couldn’t come up with a proper name and this will have to do for the time being. Tied again on…