Pitcroy Fancy (variant). An old photo I found when digging through the collection and thought it would be a good pattern to share. The Pitcroy Fancy is pretty simple yet elegant fly…

Pitcroy Fancy (variant). An old photo I found when digging through the collection and thought it would be a good pattern to share. The Pitcroy Fancy is pretty simple yet elegant fly…
Raven with hackle wings Here’s a slight variation of Brad Burdens steelhead spey pattern developed for the Oregon rivers. Bob Veverkas book on spey flies has been a huge source of inspiration…
Hi-Vis Bomber Salmon dry flies were the last thing on my tying list at the moment but I visited the guys at Helsinki Spey Clave and they had dyed some premium Calf…
Jock Scott Needs no introduction and we’ve even featured this pattern here before but a different Pryce-Tannatt version of it. Because the notes included with the pattern in Kelson’s book The Salmon…
The Lion Here’s the finished fly from our last post that dealt with the underwing construction. For the main wing I tied the bigger portion of it as a mixed wing but…
Step by step of tying an underwing on the Lion. There’s lots of ways to interpret a classic salmon fly pattern. Some have weird words used in them or things that seem…
Kalkkisten Vaalea & Kalkkisten Tumma We are continuing with traditional Finnish trout flies. I have tied quite a lot of these because Kalkkisten Vaalea has been one of the flies I like…
Huopana This is an interesting pattern from a Finnish perspective as it was designed in Great Britain based on insect samples from Huopanankoski (Huopana rapids), Finland in the early 1900’s. It is…