CDC & Elk Brilliant pattern by Hans Weilenmann. CDC & Elk is one that should be found in all boxes when you are going to fish in places with caddisflies. Fast to…

CDC & Elk Brilliant pattern by Hans Weilenmann. CDC & Elk is one that should be found in all boxes when you are going to fish in places with caddisflies. Fast to…
This fly named after the legendary Catskill fisherman Theodore Gordon is still one of the most well known dry flies around the world. Inspired by the British dry flies of the period…
Catskill region in America has a unique history when it comes to dry flies. Many famous patterns and tyers originate from the river banks of the Catskill rivers and some of the best known belong to the Dette family.
Superpupa Developed by the Swedish fly tyer Lennart Bergqvist in the late 1970’s Superpuppan has become a worldwide phenomenon and one of the best known flies in Scandinavia. This fly is supposed…
Semirealistic Foam Golden Stonefly dry fly I was fortunate enough to get to fish the Deschutes river this spring when the big salmonflies and golden stones were hatching and tied quite a…
Caddis Probably the most used dry fly in Finland at the moment. It is so popular that it’s usually referred to just with the name Caddis. Basically it’s a parachute variation of…
The February Red stonefly When the temperature rises for the first times above zero and the sun starts shining it means that the spring is finally here in Finland. It also means…
Semi-Realistic Caddis Dry Fly New video step-by-step of a fairly simple but realistic Caddis Fly. This is one of my own patterns but it’s basically a variation of the many realistic Stoneflies…