CDC & Elk Brilliant pattern by Hans Weilenmann. CDC & Elk is one that should be found in all boxes when you are going to fish in places with caddisflies. Fast to…

CDC & Elk Brilliant pattern by Hans Weilenmann. CDC & Elk is one that should be found in all boxes when you are going to fish in places with caddisflies. Fast to…
Video from HSC demo day and Mikael Frödin’s Masterclass. Here’s a short film I made for Helsinki Spey Clave from the events I posted about earlier. Also few clips from the Perfect…
We’ll return to our regular scheduled program after a short message from our sponsor. You might also see a familiar face there casting.
Helsinki Spey Clave Bug Launcher Challenge Here’s a bit of Friday fun for you all. We had a new type of playful casting competition inside the shop at HSC with a miniature…
Silver Glödhäck by Anton Pousar It seems I’ve outsourced my tube fly tying to my friend Anton since I haven’t been tying tubeflies lately. We were again doing a fly tying workshop…
Lady Caroline Spey Fly Here’s a video of me tying a Lady Caroline which is a classic Spey fly although it differs from most Spey flies by having a tail. It still…
Video from our trip to Finnmark Had a blast this summer with Mikko and Risto hiking to remote places in Northern Norway to fish for Trout, Grayling and Arctic Char. Made this edit…
Weekend at Äyskoski, Finland Short video I made from me and Risto’s latest trip. Landed few nice fish and lost some bigger ones. This season has been interesting and I’ve found myself…