Silver Glödhäck by Anton Pousar It seems I’ve outsourced my tube fly tying to my friend Anton since I haven’t been tying tubeflies lately. We were again doing a fly tying workshop…
Lady Caroline Spey Fly Here’s a video of me tying a Lady Caroline which is a classic Spey fly although it differs from most Spey flies by having a tail. It still…

The February Red stonefly When the temperature rises for the first times above zero and the sun starts shining it means that the spring is finally here in Finland. It also means…

Hollow Deceiver When it comes to pike flies I have to admit I like synthetic flies more than naturals. But that’s mainly because the synthetics simply last longer. There’s no denying that…

Step by step Lord Iris Preston Jennings is one of the most underrated fly designers in streamer world. His Iris series is very interesting in its use of colour and approach to…

Pink Beauty from Carrie Stevens Next up on our streamer authorities is Carrie G. Stevens from Maine whose streamers are one of the best recognised today. Carrie begun tying flies 1924 and…

Black Ghost If I had to list five most well known streamers of all time Black Ghost would no doubt be on that list. Developed by Herbert “Herb” Welch in 1927 it…

Mar Lodge Very popular classic salmon fly that can be found in many fly boxes even today. One of the nicest things about this fly is that it uses only natural materials…